Saturday, March 28, 2009

Photos and Entry into Hong Kong

A rather fat centepede in our room at Catien.
Student Megan, me and George on the ferry from Catien going home.
We are just steaming full speed into Hong Kong, the sea has been quite rough but now we're in the centre of hilly islands, can see lights on the shore, with heavy clouds over the tops. The weather forecast says 50-60 degrees and rain! What a change.....trying to remember what warm clothes look like! We dock right next to a huge shopping mall...oops!
We shall be staying on board from now on until Hawaii so hopefully will be able to continue blogging. Three quarters of the passengers on this ship are flying to Beijing and on to the Great Wall where apparently there is SNOW! Snow....what's that?!
Fiona we are meeting Randy and his wife for dinner on our first night in Shanghai.....will of course be sending reports home!
Off to shower and breakfast and watch us docking...we have slowed right down here is Hong Kong. Dark misty hills and then massive white sky scrapers right down to the shore. (Just dashed to the doors of our balcony and that's the view that met my eyes) we are in an hour early. Two tugs have just roared out and the pilot has come aboard to guide us in. I never really thought I would ever get to China: I have been reading books about it since Han Su Yin's Love is a Many Splendoured Thing. Latest the follow-on from Red China Blues (Can't remember the name). This is so exciting.....we are parallel with those sky scrapers now, they seem to go on endlessly We have slowed down to 14.7 knots....ah trees and about twelve gorgeous looking apartment buildings in a row. I'm typing as I watch our entry; Victoria Peak is right behind them and the shore is rocky with trees and bushes which I feel I could stretch out my arm and touch. Oh this is beautiful, fishing boats all lined up under the buildings and double decker buses rushing along the road, junks (who thought I'd ever see a junk?!)....more sky scrapers jammed together. There is obviously a lack of building space outwards so they have gone up up up! The depth backwards of these sky scrapers is astounding right into the foot hills. Lots of what we Scots call Highheedyuns are coming on board....that is a phonetic spelling. It means literall the "high head ones" or VIP's. ( yup... you learn something fabulous every day!).
This time I must shower because they prefer us not to have them in port as they stop turning sea water into frsh at that time.
More later.

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