Sunday, February 1, 2009


February 1st

After a pretty rough night of pitching and rolling we awoke to pouring rain, poor visibility and a peculiar calm....we are anchored way off Gibraltar waiting to go in and bunker out a storm and take on fuel. This is not easy to do apparently, but at least we feel pretty stable which makes eating and listening to our lecturer in Global Studies somewhat easier. A good talk about Morocco from an American educator who with his family has lived there for the last 17 years. We larned that Morocco is pretty pro-American; that we should wear conservative clothing; that a woman making eye contact wih a man translates to "Hi, I'm available'! That the port area of Casablanca is not where one would want to wander and that Marrakesh is the place to go.....great because that's where we're going tomorrow with a ship tour...and that there is good skiing near Fez.

By the way I should have mentioned earlier that I am the world's worst speller and that if a word or place-name looks wrong it very probably is. It means that George wasn't around to ask....he does alot of eye rolling but eventually gives me the correct spelling....I just have to wait it out.

It is a lecture free day today so I should really be learning lines however Billy Connelly is way too tempting so I am off to the Faculty lounge for coffee and Billy. More later....

Position; Sun Feb 1st @ 11.16 am for Liam & Katie.
Lat: 36 degrees 13.5N
Lon: 005 degrees 13.5 W
ourse: 10 degrees
Speed: 0.0 knots

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