Saturday, February 7, 2009

The tropics

Saturday, 7th February. We entered the tropics this morning! The sun is shining, the seas blue and white capped but calm. It is still cool but everyone's mood has captured the bright spirit of the day. We cross the equator in a few days time and plans are being secretly made for the fun...I am soo glad I have sailed across it many times and am immune....I fervently hope!

Still no TV so can't give you our coordinates Liam and will soon have your own to think about in the Carribean.

Just finished my theatre class (Introduction to..) and we had to enact in mime scenes we had experienced in Spain and/or Morocco. Morocco took the lead and mostly were concerning 'extortion' on a small scale....everyone on the make! Our scene was about an experience by a student of losing his way (and 4 others) to their seedy, cheap hotel and being led through tunnels and narrow lanes back to it and then a large sum of money being demanded. They 'escaped' when the manager quickly ushered them inside.

I spent the morning trying to learn lines for The Persians...not easy. Why oh why am I doing this?! Np after dinner civilised grown up relaxation....rehearsal every night from 7.30 until 10 pm. The others, all students, were telling me last night they have been warning their friends not to come to a performance as they won't understand it, as they themselves don't!! Doesn't augur well....!

We arrive in Walvis Bay on the Valentines day so should be spending that day amid the sand dunes and wide skies of Namibia. I am very much looking forward to that....a part of Africa i have never been to.

Will put in the coordinates whenever they fix and BOLT DOWN our TV.

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