Monday, January 19, 2009

last day on dry land for 8 days

I actually did write a blog last night and it disappeared into cyberspace...frustrating! Hundreds of students are now boarding the ship; the line-up seems to stretch for a mile. We were in Starbucks having a coffee and I heard a mother tell another, My son wouldn't kiss me...he just disappeared on to the ship! I felt for her. They all look so excited and are chatting to each other madly...decks two, three and four are theirs, I can imagine the babble down there! Their baggage looks soft and very heavy as they attempt to drag it along; mostly oversized kit bags. they are all so attractive; the ratio men to women is 200 to 500 roughly/ As one female lifelong learner said succintly, Pity!!

The other tourist liners sailed away last night and we share the harbour front and docks only with the Bahamian navy.....nice to sea HM in front of their ID numbers; a reminder of her British majesty.

I managed to get two chores completed today; got my specs fixed and bought a repair kit and bought a second Clinique lipstick I like. But the only place to put a battery in my watch remained closed.....oh well as I said before who cares about time...except of course for meals!

Weather is warm but not too warm, sun is now shining after a dull start. George and I are sitting quietly in the cabin and on the balcony to avoid the crush . We are on the port side of the ship, looking at this moment at Paradise Island and the blue, blue sea. It is heaven not to see snow!

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