Monday, January 19, 2009


Stats for Liam & Katie: Just left Nassau 3 hours ago, on our way to Cadiz. Spain.

Speed: 21.2 knots
Course: 80 degrees
Latitude: 25 degrees 42.8 N
Longtitude: 076 42.60 W

We left Nassau with blasts from our ship which nearly deafened us. Parents in their hundreds waving from the quay, students shouting, laughing and crying, waving and taking their last photos of Mum and Dad, siblings and boy/girl friends. Quite emotional to watch. I was glad none of my own family were there!

As the tug and pilot boat swung away from us we gave a final loud TOOT and were out of there.

We repaired to another prof's cabin for drinks and heard about their previous voyage in 2004 when a 60 ft wave hit the bridge and knocked all the power out. We also watched a video taken at that time by one of the students. Apparently they were very far North (too far) in the Pacific on their way from Vancouver to Japan. The ship was badly damaged inside with pianos and furniture (and people) sliding all over the place. So immediately power was restored they flew South to Hawaii for 5 days (where students had to attend classes in the Hotels) then were flown to San Francisco, then Hong Kong and picked up the ship again in Shanghai.....a very bondong experience we gathered!! One we can do without...!

I had memories of another time when Sheona was a few months old and the two of us travelled out to Accra in Ghana from Southampton (UK). We hit a similar storm in the Western approaches and I seemed to be one of the few people who wasn't sea sick while Sheona slept in her carry-cot blissfully unaware. I stood behind glass in the bows of the Elder Dempster ship the S.S.Apapa and looked at a high wall of sea blotting out the sky. It was a much smaller ship and I was scared! But like all storms, it passed.

We have gathered speed and as I write this in our cabin I hear the waves rushing past and we are rocking more vigorously....time for my wrist bands just in case....

We have been having wonderfully early nights which is just as well as G's classes start at 8 am. I now have permission to attend Shakespeare, theatre history, Islam and Asian American writers so shall be busy. And we have agreed to substitute-parent 4 students so time will not be hanging on our hands!

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