Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Arrival in Cadiz

Wednesday, January 28th 7 am

I am writing this in the pitch dark but with the twinkling lights of Cadiz all round the ship as we gently sway into our berth. It is amazing because we are obviously in the sea centre of the city! There is the cathedral and there apartment blocks and shops and somewhere in all of that the cobbled streets we will be walking today.

I went up to the observation deck earlier and spent part of my time taking photos of groups of excited students in between aiming my own camera at the coastline...without much success I might add, it is just too dark. The stars are huge and bright, low enough almost to touch it seems and the air is crisp and cold.

There are students in the dining room now wrapped in blankets....but all smiling, laughing and chatting. Hardly any faculty did I see there and George is just a white lump in the bed!! Ah there goes the anchor dropping with a long, loud roar. We have arrived.

I'm going off to breakfast after shaking my better (?) half awake! Talk again later. Liam and Katie you may put our ship right on Cadiz!

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