Thursday, January 22, 2009

another sea day

The Atlantic has finally calmed down and the ship feels reasonably steady; either that or we're all finding our sea legs.

I attended two lectures today our mandatory Global Studies aand islam and Politics. i was truly grateful not to be student in the latter as the Prof was rather strict and said he would be taking attendance and more than one missed class would be an F grade! He also stated that sea sickness was not an excuse. That said he was an organised and clear lecturer and I shall go back for more. George spoke on Pidgins in the Global Studies lecture amongst others; there were 4 or 5 speakers in all. He was good!

We gathered for drinks in the Faculty lounge tonight and G amused us by singing songs from the show Oklahoma as our friend Theresa Mueller hails from there. (They especially appreciated his accent?!) When he went up to the piano bar after dinner to get hot water to make his own coffee the bar tender who comes from Jamaica imitated his accent saying 'Yes mate I'll give you some hot water' in an almost Essex imitation'! When G, commented on it he said 'We know ruled us for long enough!'

The bar and dining room stewards are delightful, very friendly polite and endlessly helpful and disgustingly cheerful...even at breakfast. They mostly come from the Carribean and Linda our cabin steward from Guyana.

Today wasn't really from a blog point of view wildly exciting so I shall make this short/ I'm going to watch a movie either Traffic or To Kill a Mockingbird....couldn't be further apart in content could they?

As we both seem to have colds we shall have an early night. Sorry to hear from everyone that Ontario is in a deep freeze....our hearts truly bleed for you?!

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